+61 433 380 497

Welcome to MediRoaming

প্রবাসীদের নিশ্চিন্তে বাংলাদেশ ভ্রমণের সঙ্গী

About Us

কল্পনা করুন আপনি বাংলাদেশে বেড়াতে গেছেন এবং আপনি বা আপনার শিশু অসুস্থ্য হয়ে পরেছেন। জরুরীভিত্তিতে স্বাস্থ্য সহায়তা প্রয়োজন কিন্তু জানেন না কোথায় যাবেন, কাকে ভরসা করবেন। এই পরিস্থিতি ভীতিকর এবং কথনো কখনো বিপদজনক( বিশেষতঃ বন্ধুদের থেকে পাওয়া অপেশাদার স্বাস্থ্য পরামর্শ)। আপনার নিজের অবস্থানে থেকেই আপনি তাৎক্ষনিকভাবে ভিডিও টেলিহেলথের মাধ্যমে দেখা পেতে পারেন একজন বাংলাদেশী বিশেষজ্ঞ চিকিৎসক অস্ট্রেলিয়া, ইংল্যান্ড বা আমেরিকা থেকে যিনি আপনাকে চিকিৎসা পরামর্শ ও ব্যাবস্থাপনা দেবেন ল্যাব এইড বাংলাদেশের সাথে জোটবদ্ধ হয়ে।

এই দ্রুত ও সহজ যোগাযোগ জীবন বাঁচাতে পারে এবং অবশ্যই উন্নততর ফলাফল বয়ে আনে।

মেডিরোমিং একটি উদ্ভাবনী সমাধান যার উদ্দেশ্য হলো এলাকা নির্বিশেষে বাংলাদেশের সব জায়গায় আপনাকে স্বাস্থ্যসেবা দেওয়া। 

মেডিরোমিং একটি ডিজিটাল প্ল্যাটফর্ম যা নিশ্চিত করে আপনার জন্য মানসম্মত চিকিৎসা সেবা বাংলাদেশের স্বনামধন্য প্রতিষ্ঠান ল্যাব এইডের সাথে মিলে তাদের ক্লিনিক, ডায়গনোস্টিক সেন্টারও হাসপাতালের নেটওয়ার্কের সহায়তায়। মেডিরোমিং এর সাথে আপনার স্বাস্থ্যসেবা আপনাকে অনুসরণ করে আপনি যেখানেই যান না কেন!

Partner Organizations

Our Services

MediRoaming For NRBs

Telehealth with Bangladeshi Specialist Doctor from Australia, UK, USA when you visit Bangladesh.

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On-Demand Medical Consult

From any location of Bangladesh with a smart phone and Internet connection, you can consult Bangladeshi Specialist Doctor from Australia, UK, USA for you....

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Tour Cover Options

For peace of mind, ensure a tour cover before travelling to Bangladesh or soon after you reach there. This subscription will give you numbers...,

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LabAid Bangladesh is a renowned and extensive network of health care service in Bangladesh who will be with you to look after your family.....

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2nd Opinion For Bangladeshis

If you are a Bangladeshi living in Bangladesh and need medical advice from Australian Specialist, this service is for you.

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Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)

MediRoaming is first of its kind and unique travel health care solution for Non Resident Bangladeshis (thereby NRBs) during their visit to Bangladesh.

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Frequently Asked Questions

MediRoaming is an innovative solution aimed at making your healthcare of residing country available irrespective of where ever you are in Bangladesh.

Have you ever worried about accessing your health care need while travelling to Bangladesh? Or felt the anxiety of different health care services out there from where you live? If your answer is yes, then you are not alone. With the fast-paced lives we lead today, the world has become a smaller place. As NRBs, national boundaries no longer confine us, and the need for a standard healthcare solution while we are back home, has become more prominent than ever. Enter MediRoaming – a revolutionary concept that aims to provide International Roaming of your Health Care.

MediRoaming is a joint health care service by MediRoaming Australia and LabAid group Bangladesh. MediRoaming Australia(ABN 676030103) is an initiative by Bangladeshi Doctors and Tech entrepreneurs to help NRBs to receive standard, consistent, reliable health care advices when they travel to Bangladesh. LabAid Group is renowned Bangladeshi health care services with group of companies in business like health care, pharmaceuticals, financial, education, agros etc. LabAid has 4 hospitals, 30 diagnostic centres and numbers of clinics across the country.

Imagine you are on vacation in Bangladesh, and you or your kids suddenly fall ill. You need immediate medical attention, but don't know where to go, who to trust. This situation can be terrifying and potentially dangerous (specially from unprofessional medical advices from friends). From the comfort of your location you can instantly see (video Telehealth) an Bangladeshi specialist doctor from Australia/UK?USA, who can provide treatment advices and management in association with LabAid Bangladesh. This quick and easy access can potentially save lives and surely provide better outcome.

Using MediRoaming is simple and user-friendly. Once you sign up for the service, all your medical records are digitized and stored securely on the platform. These records include your medical history, current medications, allergies, etc. When you arrive in Bangladesh and need medical assistance, the doctor from Australia/UK/USA can quickly access these records via MediRoaming, ensuring you receive the best possible care in association with local doctor and LabAid health care services.

Yes. MediRoaming provides you consult with Bangladeshi Doctors from Australia/UK/USA with international standard without the hassle of travelling to medical centre/Hospital from the comfort of your location. 24/7 help line. MediRoaming does not charge excess fees MediRoaming is specialised for NRBs visiting Bangladesh. MediRoaming understands the special situation and needs when you live in foreign country and visit Bangladesh. Disclaimer: MediRoaming is not an alternative to Travel health insurance.

A Non-resident Bangladeshi (NRB) implies a Bangladeshi citizen living abroad with valid status. This could either be as a foreign country's permanent resident, Citizen or with a valid travel/work permit.

MediRoaming provides medical consultations for all age, sex, for new or pre existing medical conditions. However Telehealth may not be appropriate for all situations. We strongly suggest to seek local emergency care for acute medical emergencies like (but not limited to) heart attack, stroke, severe bleeding, life threatening injuries etc. MediRoaming reserves the full rights to decide the type of medical conditions and time of consultations to be provided. MediRoaming is not travel health insurance. Medical consultation may only take place if you are physically present in Bangladesh. You may will need internet connection and electronic devices like smart phone, tablet, laptop, computers for your consultations. It is your responsibility to have these available at the time of consultation.

In Australian dollar, US Dollar, GBP as mentioned in our website. All payments are secured online transaction.

We do not charge any excess fees.



PO BOX 6033, Pymble, NSW 2073, Australia



+61 433 380 497

Open Hours:

7AM-7PM (Bangladesh Time)
